Requirements for the Clan:

  1. Stay Active! Try and come here as often as possible, who knows we may need you for war and if your not here we may have to forfeit.
  2. You must be at least a "Missin Nin" or higher to qualify for the clan.
  3. Once we find you are the required rank then comes the examination.
  • Private Battle
  • How you fought the battle

             *Note* Even if you don't win the battle you still may be able to join depending on how you fought.

  1. You must have atleast 11 characters unlocked.
  2. My biggest pet peeve don't complain, it really agitates me if your going to do it make sure I'm not around.

   Requirements for Moderator:

  1. Must have a rank of atleast "Anbu" or have been one in the past.
  2. Must  have atleast 25 characters unlocked.
  3. Beat another Mod atleast one time.

   Requirements for Owner:

  1. Must have a rank of atleast  level 28 Jounin or have been one in the past.
  2. Must have atleast 40 characters unlocked
  3. Beat the Big Three 2/3

*Note* Only 4 owner spots available


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